Duty Management & FTA Reconciliation/Refunds

When you are importing products and paying dues, there’s an opportunity cost that needs to be managed. FOCUS has developed a smart duty management process designed to ensure opportunities are identified early and savings realized as quick as possible.

Active duty management targeted at minimizing duty spend and maximum refunds where possible.

Duty Spend Management

Our trained team members continuously monitor and data mine our clients import entry data for possible duty savings opportunities. 


FTA Recon Analysis & Refund Claim Filing

We perform FTA reconciliation and refund analysis to maximize duty refunds.  We also identify and prepare duty refund claims (e.g. 520d) and either file them directly with local customs authorities or submit to our clients identified brokers to file. 

Smart Entry Auditing

Processes and tools designed to catch errors quickly, communicate to brokers timely, monitor entry corrections, and keep duties to a minimum.

Sales & Purchasing Support

We actively support our clients sales quoting and sourcing decision processes with potential duty rates, FTA eligibility questions, and other what if scenarios as needed.  We identify duty savings opportunities and assist our clients in realizing those savings.