Broker Referral Management

We have developed strong working relationships with our client’s brokers over the past 25 years. We assist our clients and their brokers with the import entry process by providing electronic broker feeds of classification, FTA eligibility, PGA/NOMS and other government agencies indicators, etc. We also provide daily entry referral support for a variety of processing and compliance needs including release classifications, FTA certifications, getting PGA/NOMS and other government agencies documents completed, invoicing/entry document completion, etc. Clients that utilize our broker referral management services can stay focused on the important elements of their job and leave the tedious support of the brokers and entry management to us.

Supporting our clients and their brokers for efficient entry processing.

Highly responsive to keep the shipments moving


Strong compliance focus to ensure consistency and accuracy


Documented communications with brokers for future reference

All broker referrals are logged and responded to timely